Boomer Blast

Newsletter October 2016

Boomer Blast

October 2016



If you are a 2016 Boomer member, you will have an opportunity on Monday, October 24, and Wednesday, October 26 to renew your 2017 membership and purchase your tickets for our January 29 and/or February 11 events at the same time.  This two day special is for current members only.   We anticipate that these two events will sell out quickly and we want to give our current members first choice. You may not purchase tickets for guests until a later time.  These two events will require table seating and you must choose your seats when you purchase your tickets.  We will have a chart available for you to view as you select your seating.  These are the only two days to take advantage of this special.  Membership renewal will not be available again until January, and tickets for the January event will not go on sale again until December.   Tickets for the February event will not go on sale again until January.  If you are a Snowbird and have not yet returned to Timber Pines, you can take advantage of this by asking a friend or neighbor to renew your membership and purchase your tickets.   Boomers who want to sit together will need to purchase tickets together and select your table.  We will be in the Cypress Room of the Lodge from 9 to 11am on Monday October 24 and in the Oak Room of the Lodge on Wednesday, October 26, from 9 to 11am.   Membership renewal is $5 per person and each event is $20 per person.   You may choose to purchase tickets for one or both events with your membership renewal.  If you have any questions, please call Kathy at 314-221-4530.


Boomers, we have great news!  We have redesigned our website to provide all of the information about our our events, links to groups who will be performing, our Boomer Blast, photos and  much more.  Check it out to see what's new at!  You will never need to wonder if you have received the latest newsletter because it will be included on our website.  There will be a calendar listing all of the upcoming events, a new email address,,  that you can send questions or comments to the Board members, and so much more.  We are very excited about this new and informative website designed just for us and we hope you will be too.  This is still a work in progress, with new features being added shortly.  With this new website, you will be able to find all information regarding the Boomer Club and events in one place: You can also find a link to our website on the Timber Pines Community home page under Clubs and Activities.  Be sure to check us out!  

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